Types of non verbal communication ~ shaby tech

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Types of non verbal communication

 Sign language

Sign language involves use of audio and visual (image) signals.

a) Audio (sound) signals: drum beating is used to make important announcement and to tell the people to assemble at specific places several types of alarm signals are used to caution people. Fire alarm, accident alarm, air raid or assault alarm, VIP motorcade alarms, machine breakdown alarms are examples. A clock alarm is used to make us aware of our time. Buzzers, bush button bells, electric bells, and other sounds signaling systems are used in offices.

Advantages of audio signals
(i)                 Sound signals convey message very quickly.

(ii)               Sound signals are very useful for managing time

(iii)             The working of an organization can streamlined with the help of buzzer (signals) and such other sound signals.

b) Visual signals
Visual signals such as posters, cartons, photographs, drawings, statutes, maps, etc are used to convey messages for general information and education. Books on geography, science, history and economics etc always contain maps and diagrams.

·         Colour photographs are used by hotels tour and travel agencies motor companies etc, all over the world.
·         Similarly traffic lights and lights at railway stations and airports convey relevant information to people.
·         Lights on top of ambulance VIP vehicles and neon signs are useful means of communication.
·         Lights are also used to mark festivals celebrations. Flags, flowers and bouquets convey relevant messages.

Advantages of visual signals
(i)                 Visual signals like pictures and posters Convey messages very easily and economically.
(ii)               Colorful drawings and paintings make communication interesting and motivating
(iii)             Pictures, posters etc. reflect mental makeup and cultural background of the communicator.
(iv)             Posters and painting are useful for informing and educating illiterate people..
(v)               Posters are important for adverts

Limitations of sign language
(i)                 Great skills and efforts are required to draw effective pictures, posters and cartons
(ii)               Only simple and elementary ideas can be communicated through sign language.
(iii)             Cannot be substituted for(i.e cannot be used for other uses), but only supplemented to verbal communication.
(iv)             Can cause misunderstanding among people
(v)               On the spot correction not possible.

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