Saturday, January 19, 2019


A meeting is a formal gathering of person’s information for a purpose of discussing and deciding matters of common interest to all of them.
It requires specials arrangement and therefore the topic(s) to be discussed in the meeting has to be decided in advance.

 All the individuals expected to attend the meeting are informed about the date, time and venue of the meeting. The seating arrangement are made has to be decided in advance. There should be proper lighting and temperature control.
All equipment such as microphone and visual aids are to be provided.
Arrangement should also be made for writing pads; pens and refreshments etc. meetings are supported by written communication like notices to bring people together, agenda to structure the meeting, minutes to record the proceedings, etc. Persons to participate in the meeting need both speaking and listening skills.


Meeting may be needed for the following purposes:
i.                    Exchange of information
ii.                  To get feedback
iii.                To consider proposals
iv.                To arrive at a consensus
v.                  Meeting provide vertical as well as horizontal communication
vi.                Meetings are a means for of finding solutions to problems
vii.              Coordination between different parts of the organization
viii.            Provide opportunity to the participant to gather info about the organization
ix.               Help in developing skills in presenting ideas and theability to analyze and argue

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